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Vu2Vu™ is changing the way people connect. We have moved video communications within reach of anyone using any device, anywhere. All that’s needed is an Internet, LTE (Long-Term Evolution), 3G or 4G connection to join in a lifelike and truly collaborative meeting experience. Today, Vu2Vu’s™ video collaboration solutions power new workflow applications that close information gaps and boost productivity in industries such as banking, education, government, healthcare, and high tech.


The Vu2Vu™ portfolio includes everything you need to deploy HD video collaboration to everyone in your organisation, from core infrastructure to solutions that video-enable any device or application.


Connect, unify and empower: personal and group solutions that put users in the picture and in control.

The Architecture

Reliable performance, global scalability, and unequaled efficiency, powered by the supremely capable Vu2Vu™ architecture.

Education Platform

Vu2Learn™ is a hybrid LMS platform offering immersive educational experience for students and teachers.

clear and concise

Vu2Vu™ building one of the first multi-tenancy VidyoPowered™ Cloud Based videoconferencing system. Since 2010 we have expanded the system and host a network of global services. In 2017 we built our own VidyoPowered™ Cloud Based videoconferencing infrastructure in India, specifically for the Indian market.

Vu2Learn™ is a Modular, Responsive, Light, Customizable, VC web based Learning management application that can be accessed at any time, at any place, on any device consuming the lowest bandwidth and hardware.

At Vu2Vu™, we pride ourselves on being customer focused. The products we develop and support are designed with security, versatility and ease-of-use. Providing 24/7 support on all products we also offer piece-of-mind.



Easy to use

Multi Platform

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