Vu2Cloud High Quality Video Conferencing
Hosted Video Collaboration Solution
When your workforce is mobile, dispersed, and often at home, employees need efficient and effective interpersonal collaboration, and are more engaged over video.
They expect exceptional quality, instant connectivity, and access from wherever they work.
Your IT organisation may look to the cloud to rapidly deploy video collaboration.
But until now, you had to accept the status quo of mediocre quality as the trade-off for the flexibility, scale, and affordability that cloud delivery provides.
Vu2Cloud™ is changing the status quo. Quality matters.
For organisations that need high quality video conferencing and want to avoid burdening their IT staff and resources, Vu2Cloud™ is a hosted video collaboration solution that provides the highest quality available in any network environment.
In fact, Vu2Cloud™ delivers industry-leading performance at the extreme ends of the quality spectrum.
In network challenged environments, like mobile and wireless, Vu2Cloud™ offers unsurpassed error resiliency, and can even adapt to 20% packet loss – more than double the industry average.
In robust network environments that leverage 4k and 5k displays, Vu2Cloud™ delivers the most stunning quality imaginable, up to 16x better than the status quo 720p.
Up to Ultra HD Support for Video and Content
Dynamically Adapts to your Network
Optimise Traffic with Available Hybrid Deployment
Virtually Any Device, Any Time, Anywhere
Encrypted Communications to Protect Privacy
Distributed Workgroup Collaboration
Dial By Name Simplicity
Meet with Anyone Inside or Outsite Your Organisation